Friday, April 28, 2006

MentalWealth 0.94 Update

Last week I updated my wiki theme MentalWealth to support version MoinMoin 1.5. I now have a new version that adds some style support that I had missed before, namely for the .strike class and the TableOfContents macro. I also have a good number of tweaks to make skinning the theme easier.

Foremost among the changes is a refactoring of the screen.css code out into base.css, which contains all the basic classes, and a series of skin-*.css stylesheets which represent different colour skins. So now it's easy to change what colour you'd like the interface to be: simply uncomment the skin you want used.

I've also simplified the classes in base.css and rejigged some of the appearance. Changes you might notice include a slightly smaller typeface, the fact that the sidebar margins now better match the other panels, and alterations to the h5 and h6 headings to make them distinct.

I have no further plans to change this theme, unless I get bug reports or a solution to the issue I outline in the readme file.

As usual, MentalWealth is available at the MoinMoin ThemeMarket.

See the most recent article on this topic.


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