Sunday, April 01, 2012

The Great Spring Fly Hunt

Fly Hunt 1: licky, licky, I see a fly

This is just a fun post of grab shots I made when Schweppes was in full insect hunting mode. I didn't get any of her in full flight, unfortunately. But to her credit, I must point out that she scored two for two on the house fly count. They don't really stand a chance!

Titles are in the mouse-over text.

Fly Hunt 2: staring down the fly

Fly Hunt 3: I think it's up here somewhere

Fly Hunt 4:  it's on the window

Fly Hunt 5: yum, yum, wait... where'd it go?

Fly Hunt 6: you gotz more flies?

These were all shot with the Olympus PEN E-PL2 and the Panasonic 20mm lens, a fantastic performer.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Adorable cat, stellar photography, creative and incredibly informative writing! Good show! Pip-pip!

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