The design group Teenage Engineering, led by Jesper Kouthoofd, has produced a cardboard digital camera for Swedish retailer IKEA. The KNÄPPA is assembled from one piece of cardboard folded around a single circuit board and the two AAA batteries. Simply fasten the sides together with two plastic screws and you're done.
A single button acts as both a power on/off switch and shutter button. Likewise the LED indicates the camera status: off (extinguished), ready (green), exposing (flashing green), memory full (flashing red), or battery low (red). The viewfinder is nothing more than a cut-out area of the cardboard. Photos are transferred to your computer using the built-in USB stick. To delete photos from the camera, simply stick a paper clip into a little hole!
This is not a camera for action shots. You need to hold the camera steady for three seconds in order for it to read an exposure, press the shutter button, and then keep it still for a few seconds while the sensor slowly gathers light. It will require that your subject is well lit.. there is no ISO to adjust!
IKEA plans on having a special website to which you can upload shots of their furnishings in your home, taken with the KNÄPPA.
Price and availability are unknown. But here's a rather hilarious video.
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