Tuesday, May 11, 2010

First National Shot

tango in the streetsYesterday (Monday) the Irish Examiner published one photo to sum up the Catherine Street Cultural Festival, which went on for three days here in Limerick, Ireland.... and it was mine! I beat out several pro photographers despite the fact I was only shooting casually and with no eye on journalistic appeal.

Of course I got lucky. But it's still a nice ego boost. The shot pictures Louise Campbell and Neville Gawley of Limerick Tango, giving a demo on the streets.

Be sure that I won't start courting the papers any time soon. Journalistic photography interests me very little. Instead, I prefer shots like the following.

pub radiator

Dave on his birthday

paint for a red bicycle

Click through each to get to the Flickr pages, where you can view larger sizes and leave comments.

For more on the festival, see my previous post.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well done! I can see why your picture encapsulates it all! you're too modest


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