Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Choose My Best Photo

1. Telecommunication

It's difficult enough being a photographer without also having to be an editor and figure out which of my shots are "the best". But at this time of the year various competitions and networking sites ask "What is your single best photo of the year?" In an attempt to answer that vexing question, I put together a bunch of candidates and asked my friends on Pentax Forums what they thought.

I've now narrowed it down to the top eight and want to get your opinion as well. Let me know in the comments which you prefer. You can click through each photo to get a larger version on Flickr. And if you find something totally different that you prefer from my Flickr stream, let me know that too.

2. Myths Of The New Forest: Detritus #01352
myths of the new forest: detritus #01352

3. Cone Of Light
cone of light

4. The Thames at Work (Red)
The Thames at Work (Red)

5. inspection

6. interference

7. Looking Out The Window
looking out the window

8. chimney replication
chimney replication



Crash The Driver said...

Tough choice to make--they're all so good! For me, it's a toss up between # 4 and # 5, with a slight preference for the latter!

Vladimir said...

From above: 5. Inspection
From your stream:
All 6 of the Vivitar Gallery shots.

robin said...

Thanks for the suggestions. Vladimir, that milk jug shot you referenced was the finalist in a contest, so I'd say you have a good eye!

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