Updated July 2024 with some extra photos.
If there are no perfect lenses then there are at least those that come close. The Carl Zeiss Sonnar T* 2.8/85mm for Contax-Yashica mount is an example. This is a film-era lens designed for Contax SLRs. For more details, read my previous article, where I sing the praises of this lens line as a whole.
Though the Contax Zeiss lenses are well-loved, this Sonnar is relatively unheralded, no doubt because the maximum aperture of f/2.8 appears unexciting. Why buy this lens when there are so many other 85mm focal length options? No doubt your camera system has at least one such. Perhaps it is f/1.8 or even f/1.4. So why choose a slower lens that also requires manual operation?