Saturday last saw an incredible crew of musicians and sound artists gather in Cork, for the ninth annual Sonic Vigil. This six hour event is scheduled by a computer programme, so that every musician plays for a total of one hour, but doesn't know in advance who will be playing with them. Attentive listening and great sensitivity in sound production is required for this to work in any way, shape, or form.
My first slot was not for three hours, so I had a chance to take photos, wander, and listen.

As an audience member and participant I came away thinking that this might be the most successful Vigil yet. I have since had a chance to listen back to the full audio recording, and can confirm that this wasn't some sort of auditory hallucination! Rather, Sonic Vigil 9 was one of the best improvisations I have been lucky enough to be part of.
I'd like to thank everyone for a wonderful day in Cork on Saturday... and tipping well into Sunday as well! First, to the effective organising team: Karen Power, Irene Murphy, Danny McCarthy, Mick O’Shea, and John Godfrey. Big thanks to our hosts at St. Anne's Church, Shandon, and to supporters at Cork City Council, Gruenrekorder, and Goethe Institute.

My deepest thanks to the sonic contributors not already mentioned: Harry Moore (pictured above), Katie O'Looney (below), Arif Ayab, Paul Hegarty, Anthony Kelly, David Stalling, David Bremner, Mikael Fernstrom, Sean Taylor, miXile, Caroline Pugh, Hein Schoer, Nick Roth. A tip of the hat to special guest Christina Kubisch. And of course Ed Devane for his incredible installation, in the adjacent Guesthouse.
That leaves me to thank only the attentive and supportive audience. And especially Susannah Kelly for logistical support, love,... and video! I couldn't be there without her.
Sorry I didn't get photos of everyone, but I did manage many people. Check out the full album on Flickr.
Audio/video extracts will be forthcoming.

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