Monday, August 08, 2005

A Wholesome Game YOU Can Play!

The other day I was looking up a word on, a handy tool that is plagued by those annoying Google text ads. They are supposed to key off the page contents in order to alert you to products you may actually want. For me it never works, because I never want advertising. But anyway, on this particular day I got a very strange ad, and from it devised a new game.

Here is the ad:

What is a brain tumor?
Do you have a brain tumor? Free information here.

Now to play the game you have to copy down the ad, use one of the key words as your next site search, and see what you get. Repeat this process until you get matches that are all relevent. Then the game is over.

Here's the rest of my run.

Enter "brain tumor" and get:

Bitter Apricot Kernels
Vitamin B17 Products, UK Based Call 01487-832456 or order online

Enter "apricot kernel" and get:

Editing English Grammar
Hire Professors & Attorneys to Correct your English Grammar

Enter "grammar" and get:

Visual Parser Generator
Build your own parsers with ProGrammar. Free trial version.

Great fun, no?


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